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  2. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Priest Master Açma" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Priest Master Açma 60 levelde açılabilir. Human 'da EMC haritasındaki [Priest] Minerva NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Karus'ta LFC haritasındaki [Priest] Minerva NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Gerekli Materyaller aşağıda verilmiştir. [Priest] Minerva 2nd job change
  3. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Warrior Master Açma" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Warrior Master Açma 60 levelde açılabilir. Human 'da EMC haritasındaki [Warrior Master] Skaki NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Karus'ta LFC haritasındaki [Warrior Master] Skaki NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Gerekli Materyaller aşağıda verilmiştir. [Warrior Master] Skaki 2nd job change
  4. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Mage Master Açma" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Mage Master Açma 60 levelde açılabilir. Human 'da Laiba haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Karus'ta Linate haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki 2nd Job Change görevi verilecek açılır. Görev için gerekli Armband of Magic Power itemi de aynı NPC'de yapılır. Gerekli Materyaller aşağıda verilmiştir. [Archmage] Drake Armband of Magic Power 2nd job change
  5. admin

    BDW ve CHAOS

    Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "BDW ve CHAOS" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. BDW : Günde 5 adet "BDW" etkinliği bulunmaktadır. 01:00 04:00 10:00 13:00 18:00 BDW Ödülleri: CHAOS: Günde 3 adet "CHAOS" etkinliği bulunmaktadır. 00:00 11:00 15:35 CHAOS Ödülleri:
  6. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Skill Gem Of Soul Upgrade Division" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Genel Bilgi: Skill Gem Of Soul Upgrade Division yaparak skillerinizdeki gemleri çıkarabilirsiniz.Bunu yapmak için "K" skill tablosunu açın. Division yapmak istediğiniz skill'in yanındaki "Upgrade" seçeneğine basın. Ardından çıkan menüden "Gem Division" seçeneğini seçin. PUS'tan satın aldığınız "Soul Division Scroll" koyun ve division yapmak istediğiniz gem'e tıklayın, ardından confirm diyin. Soul Division Scroll PUS'tan satın alınır, skill ve item soul division scroll'u dur.
  7. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Skill Gem Of Soul Upgrade" hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Genel Bilgi: Skill Gem Of Soul Upgrade yaparak skillerinizi güçlendirebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için "K" skill tablosunu açın. Upgrade etmek istediğinizin skill'in yanındaki "Upgrade" seçeneğine basın. Ardından çıkan menüden "Gem Combination" seçeneğini seçin. Upgrade yapmak istediğiniz gem ve "Soul Combination Scroll" ile birlikte confirme basın. Skill %100 Upgrade olacaktır. Soul Combination Scroll Charon NPC'sinden satın alınır, skill ve item soul combination scroll'u dur. Skill üzerinde yazan "Soul Gem's Supported : x" x değer kadar gem basılabilir. Skill upgrade %100 oranında geçer, yanma olmaz. Skill Upgrade için aşağıdaki şemayı inceleyebilirsiniz.
  8. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Mage "54" ve "57" kağıtlarının yapımı hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Mage 54 Kağıdı 54 levelden itibaren yapılabilir. Human 'da Laiba haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki Create Thorn Magic Scroll görevi verilecek açılır. Karus'ta Linate haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki Create Thorn Magic Scroll görevi verilecek açılır. Gerekli Materyaller aşağıda verilmiştir. [Archmage] Drake Create Thorn Magic Scroll Mage 57 Kağıdı 57 levelden itibaren yapılabilir. Human 'da Laiba haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki Create Impact Magic Scroll görevi verilecek açılır. Karus'ta Linate haritasındaki [Archmage] Drake NPC'sindeki Create Impact Magic Scroll görevi verilecek açılır. Gerekli Materyaller aşağıda verilmiştir. [Archmage] Drake Create Impact Magic Scroll
  9. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda GB ve BUS farmı hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Genel Bilgi: ODIN sunucumuzda hiç bir slot "BUS" drobu atmaz. BUS sadece NPC'den satın alınabilir. BUS yerine NPC'ye satılan "Junk Item" getirilmiştir. GB Farmı Junk item üzerine kurulmuştur. Expensive Junk Item Oyunda hemen hemen tüm moblardan drop olmaktadır. EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ GB farmının temelini oluşturur. Premiumsuz 127.500 Coins Premiumlu 255.000 Coins karşılığında satılabilir. Junk Item Oyunda hemen hemen tüm moblardan drop olmaktadır. EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ Gold Bar farmına katkı sağlar . Premiumsuz 18.750 Coins Premiumlu 37.500 Coins karşılığında satılabilir.
  10. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "Exp High Class Weapon" crafting sistemi ile ilgili bilgi vereceğim. Genel Bilgi: ODIN sunucumuzda hiç bir slot'tan direkt olarak "Exp High Class Weapon" elde edilemez. Exp High Class Weapon elde etmenin yolu materyaller ile SHOZIN'de craft yapmaktır. Welding Fire Exp High Class Weapon crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve BDW etkinliğinden elde edilir. Weapon Fusion Exp High Class Weapon crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Bowl'daki Enigma, Havoc, Cruel bosslarından elde edilir. Exceptional Weapon Star Piece High Class Weapon'ı Exceptional Weapon'a çeviren crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve BDW etkinliğinden elde edilir. Shadow Piece Crafting geçme oranı %20 olarak belirlenmiştir. Shadow Piece ile %50 olur. Exp Shard Crafting Exp Iron Bow Crafting Exp Elixir Staff Crafting Exp Raptor Crafting Exp Mirage Sword Crafting Exp Iron Impact Crafting Exp Mirage Dagger Crafting Exp Glave Crafting Exp Iron Crossbow Crafting Exp Blade Axe Crafting Exp Salamander Staff Crafting Exp Totamic Spear Crafting Exp Deep Scar Crafting Exp Impact Crafting Exp Durandal Crafting Exp Slayer Crafting Exp Graham Crafting Exp Tomahawk Crafting Exp Totamic Club Crafting Exp Priest Bone Crasher Crafting
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    Version 1.0.0


    Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, MYKO.net indirme linki ektedir.
  12. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere "High Class Weapon" crafting sistemi ile ilgili bilgi vereceğim. Genel Bilgi: ODIN sunucumuzda ESLANT ve CZ bölgesindeki bazı slotlar haricinde direkt olarak "High Class Weapon" elde edilemez. Drop Arama sistemini kullanarak hangi slotlardan direkt elde edebileceğinizi öğrenebilirsiniz. High Class Weapon elde etmenin diğer yolu ise certificate ve materyaller ile SHOZIN'de craft yapmaktır. Örneğin; Shard Certificate ve gerekli materyaller ile SHOZIN'de craft yaparak item elde edilebilir! Welding Fire High Class Weapon crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve BDW etkinliğinden elde edilir. Weapon Fusion High Class Weapon crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Bowl'daki Enigma, Havoc, Cruel bosslarından elde edilir. High Class Weapon Star Piece High Class Weapon crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve BDW etkinliğinden elde edilir. Shard Crafting Certificate High Class Shard crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Raptor Crafting Certificate High Class Raptor crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Iron Impact Crafting Certificate High Class Iron Impact crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Elixir Crafting Certificate High Class Elixir crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Iron Bow Crafting Certificate High Class Iron Bow crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Mirage Sword Crafting Certificate High Class Mirage Sword crafting materyalidir. Serial Killer Random Box ve CZ Darkmare slotundan elde edilir. Shadow Piece Crafting geçme oranı %50 olarak belirlenmiştir. Shadow Piece ile %100 olur. Shard Crafting Raptor Crafting Iron Impact Crafting Mirage Sword Crafting Iron Bow Crafting Elixir Staff Crafting
  13. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Mage Complete Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Mage Oyun içerisinde hiç bir yerden "Mage Complete Armor" elde edilemez. "Complete Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Complete Robe Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Orb Sadece CZ Bowl farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Shell Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Armor Mold (Top) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pauldron Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Bottom) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pads Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Helmet) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Helmet Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Gauntlets) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Gauntlets Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Boots) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Boots Crafting materyalidir. Shadow Piece Mage Complete Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Mage Complete Robe Crafting Mage Complete Pants Crafting Mage Complete Helmet Crafting Mage Complete Glove Crafting Mage Complete Boots Crafting
  14. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Priest Chitin Shell Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Priest Oyun içerisinde hiç bir yerden "Priest Chitin Shell Armor" elde edilemez. "Chitin Shell Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Priest Chitin Shell Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Orb Sadece CZ Bowl farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Shell Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Armor Mold (Top) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pauldron Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Bottom) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pads Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Helmet) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Helmet Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Gauntlets) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Gauntlets Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Boots) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Boots Crafting materyalidir. Shadow Piece Priest Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Priest Chitin Shell Pauldron Crafting Priest Chitin Shell Pads Crafting Priest Chitin Shell Helmet Crafting Priest Chitin Shell Gauntlets Crafting Priest Chitin Shell Boots Crafting
  15. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Rogue Chitin Shell Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Rogue Oyun içerisinde hiç bir yerden "Rogue Chitin Shell Armor" elde edilemez. "Chitin Shell Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Rogue Chitin Shell Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Orb Sadece CZ Bowl farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Shell Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Armor Mold (Top) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pauldron Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Bottom) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pads Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Helmet) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Helmet Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Gauntlets) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Gauntlets Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Boots) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Boots Crafting materyalidir. Shadow Piece Rogue Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Rogue Chitin Shell Pauldron Crafting Rogue Chitin Shell Pads Crafting Rgoue Chitin Shell Helmet Crafting Rogue Chitin Shell Gauntlets Crafting Rogue Chitin Shell Boots Crafting
  16. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Warrior Chitin Shell Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Warrior Oyun içerisinde hiç bir yerden "Chitin Shell Armor" elde edilemez. "Chitin Shell Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Warrior Chitin Shell Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Orb Sadece CZ Bowl farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Shell Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Azure Armor Mold (Top) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pauldron Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Bottom) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Pads Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Helmet) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Helmet Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Gauntlets) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Gauntlets Crafting materyalidir. Azure Armor Mold (Boots) Sundries NPC'sinden 50.000.000 coins karşılığında alınır. Chitin Shell Armor Boots Crafting materyalidir. Shadow Piece Warrior Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Warrior Chitin Shell Pauldron Crafting Warrior Chitin Shell Pads Crafting Warrior Chitin Shell Helmet Crafting Warrior Chitin Shell Gauntlets Crafting Warrior Chitin Shell Boots Crafting
  17. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Priest Chitin Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Priest Oyun içerisinde bazı slotlar haricinde direkt "Priest Chitin Armor" elde edilemez. "Priest Chitin Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Priest Chitin Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Livid Orb Sadece EMC-LFC farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Crimson Orb Sadece ESLANT farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Shadow Piece Priest Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Priest Chitin Pauldron Crafting Priest Chitin Pads Crafting Priest Chitin Helmet Crafting Priest Chitin Gauntlets Crafting Priest Chitin Boots Crafting
  18. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Mage Crimson Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Mage Oyun içerisinde bazı slotlar haricinde direkt "Crimson Armor" elde edilemez. "Crimson Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Crimson Robe Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Livid Orb Sadece EMC-LFC farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Crimson Orb Sadece ESLANT farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Shadow Piece Mage Crimson Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Mage Crimson Robe Crafting Mage Crimson Pants Crafting Mage Crimson Helmet Crafting Mage Crimson Gloves Crafting Mage Crimson Boots Crafting
  19. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Rogue Chitin Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Rogue Oyun içerisinde bazı slotlar haricinde direkt "Chitin Armor" elde edilemez. "Chitin Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Rogue Chitin Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Livid Orb Sadece EMC-LFC farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Crimson Orb Sadece ESLANT farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Shadow Piece Rogue Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Rogue Chitin Pauldron Crafting Rogue Chitin Pads Crafting Rogue Chitin Helmet Crafting Rogue Chitin Gauntlets Crafting Rogue Chitin Boots Crafting
  20. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Chitin Armor crafting hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Warrior Oyun içerisinde bazı slotlar haricinde direkt "Chitin Armor" elde edilemez. "Chitin Armor" elde edebilmeniz için örneğin; "Warrior Chitin Pauldon Crafting Certificate" itemi elde etmeli ve Shozinde craft yapmalısınız.Bu sayede itemleriniz ve EMC-LFC-ESLANT-CZ gibi bölgelerde farm yaptığınızda elde edeceğiniz en ufak crafting materyali bile değerini koruyacak. Certificate itemini elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Livid Orb Sadece EMC-LFC farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Crimson Orb Sadece ESLANT farmından elde edilebilir. Chitin Armor Crafting materyalidir. Bu materyali elde edebileceğiniz mobları görmek için drop arama özelliğini kullanabilirsiniz. Shadow Piece Warrior Chitin Shell Armor Crafting geçme oranını %50'tır. Shadow Piece ile crafting geçme oranını %100 olur. Warrior Chitin Pauldron Crafting Warrior Chitin Pads Crafting Warrior Chitin Helmet Crafting Warrior Chitin Gauntlets Crafting Warrior Chitin Boots Crafting
  21. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Talisman Of Strength hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Odin sunucumuzda Warrior karakter oluşturduğunuzda başlangıç eşyaları arasında 1 adet Talisman Of Strength - Tier 1 (+1) bulunur. Talisman Of Strength +1'den +30'a kadar Shozin'de upgrade edilebilir. Item upgrade edildiği zaman yanmaz, ya bir üst seviyeye geçer ya da aynı seviyede kalır. 4 Farklı Tier vardır, her tier için crafting materyalleri farklıdır. Her yeni seviyede itemin verdiği özellik artar. Tier 1 Görüntüsü Tier 2 Görüntüsü Tier 3 Görüntüsü Tier 4 Görüntüsü Talisman Of Strength Crafting Tier 1 Crafting (1-16) Tier 2 Crafting (17-21) Tier 3 Crafting (22-26) Tier 4 Crafting (27-30) Talisman Of Strength Özellikleri Talisman Of Strength (+1): Gold +1% EXP +1% Defense Ability : 2 HP Bonus : 10 MP Bonus : 10 Strength Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 1 Resistance to Glacier : 1 Resistance to Lightning : 1 Weight : 10 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Strength (+2): Gold +2% EXP +2% Defense Ability : 4 Increase Attack Power by 1% HP Bonus : 20 MP Bonus : 20 Strength Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 2 Resistance to Glacier : 2 Resistance to Lightning : 2 Weight : 20 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Strength (+3): Gold +3% EXP +3% Defense Ability : 6 Increase Attack Power by 1% HP Bonus : 30 MP Bonus : 30 Strength Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 3 Resistance to Glacier : 3 Resistance to Lightning : 3 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 30 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Strength (+4): Gold +4% EXP +4% Defense Ability : 8 Increase Attack Power by 2% HP Bonus : 40 MP Bonus : 40 Strength Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 4 Resistance to Glacier : 4 Resistance to Lightning : 4 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 40 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Strength (+5): Gold +5% EXP +5% Defense Ability : 10 Increase Attack Power by 2% HP Bonus : 50 MP Bonus : 50 Strength Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 5 Resistance to Glacier : 5 Resistance to Lightning : 5 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 50 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Strength (+6): Gold +6% EXP +6% Defense Ability : 12 Increase Attack Power by 3% HP Bonus : 60 MP Bonus : 60 Strength Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 6 Resistance to Glacier : 6 Resistance to Lightning : 6 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 60 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Strength (+7): Gold +7% EXP +7% Defense Ability : 14 Increase Attack Power by 3% HP Bonus : 70 MP Bonus : 70 Strength Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 7 Resistance to Glacier : 7 Resistance to Lightning : 7 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 70 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Strength (+8): Gold +8% EXP +8% Defense Ability : 16 Increase Attack Power by 4% HP Bonus : 80 MP Bonus : 80 Strength Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 8 Resistance to Glacier : 8 Resistance to Lightning : 8 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 80 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Strength (+9): Gold +9% EXP +9% Defense Ability : 18 Increase Attack Power by 4% HP Bonus : 90 MP Bonus : 90 Strength Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 9 Resistance to Glacier : 9 Resistance to Lightning : 9 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 90 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Strength (+10): Gold +10% EXP +10% Defense Ability : 20 Increase Attack Power by 5% HP Bonus : 100 MP Bonus : 100 Strength Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 10 Resistance to Glacier : 10 Resistance to Lightning : 10 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 100 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Strength (+11): Gold +11% EXP +11% Defense Ability : 22 Increase Attack Power by 5% HP Bonus : 110 MP Bonus : 110 Strength Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 11 Resistance to Glacier : 11 Resistance to Lightning : 11 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 110 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Strength (+12): Gold +12% EXP +12% Defense Ability : 24 Increase Attack Power by 6% HP Bonus : 120 MP Bonus : 120 Strength Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 12 Resistance to Glacier : 12 Resistance to Lightning : 12 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 120 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Strength (+13): Gold +13% EXP +13% Defense Ability : 26 Increase Attack Power by 6% HP Bonus : 130 MP Bonus : 130 Strength Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 13 Resistance to Glacier : 13 Resistance to Lightning : 13 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 130 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Strength (+14): Gold +14% EXP +14% Defense Ability : 28 Increase Attack Power by 7% HP Bonus : 140 MP Bonus : 140 Strength Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 14 Resistance to Glacier : 14 Resistance to Lightning : 14 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 140 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Strength (+15): Gold +15% EXP +15% Defense Ability : 30 Increase Attack Power by 7% HP Bonus : 150 MP Bonus : 150 Strength Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 15 Resistance to Glacier : 15 Resistance to Lightning : 15 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 150 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Strength (+16): Gold +16% EXP +16% Defense Ability : 32 Increase Attack Power by 8% HP Bonus : 160 MP Bonus : 160 Strength Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 16 Resistance to Glacier : 16 Resistance to Lightning : 16 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 160 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Strength (+17): Gold +17% EXP +17% Defense Ability : 34 Increase Attack Power by 8% HP Bonus : 170 MP Bonus : 170 Strength Bonus : 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 17 Resistance to Glacier : 17 Resistance to Lightning : 17 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 170 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Strength (+18): Gold +18% EXP +18% Defense Ability : 36 Increase Attack Power by 9% HP Bonus : 180 MP Bonus : 180 Strength Bonus: 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 18 Resistance to Glacier : 18 Resistance to Lightning : 18 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 180 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Strength (+19): Gold +19% EXP +19% Defense Ability : 38 Increase Attack Power by 9% HP Bonus : 190 MP Bonus : 190 Strength Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 19 Resistance to Glacier : 19 Resistance to Lightning : 19 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 190 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Strength (+20): Gold +20% EXP +20% Defense Ability : 40 Increase Attack Power by 10% HP Bonus : 200 MP Bonus : 200 Strength Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 20 Resistance to Glacier : 20 Resistance to Lightning : 20 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 200 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Strength (+21): Gold +21% EXP +21% Defense Ability : 42 Increase Attack Power by 10% HP Bonus : 210 MP Bonus : 210 Strength Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 21 Resistance to Glacier : 21 Resistance to Lightning : 21 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 210 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Strength (+22): Gold +22% EXP +22% Defense Ability : 44 Increase Attack Power by 11% HP Bonus : 220 MP Bonus : 220 Strength Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 22 Resistance to Glacier : 22 Resistance to Lightning : 22 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 220 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Strength (+23): Gold +23% EXP +23% Defense Ability : 46 Increase Attack Power by 11% HP Bonus : 230 MP Bonus : 230 Strength Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 23 Resistance to Glacier : 23 Resistance to Lightning : 23 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 230 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Strength (+24): Gold +24% EXP +24% Defense Ability : 48 Increase Attack Power by 12% HP Bonus : 240 MP Bonus : 240 Strength Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 24 Resistance to Glacier : 24 Resistance to Lightning : 24 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 240 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Strength (+25): Gold +25% EXP +25% Defense Ability : 50 Increase Attack Power by 12% HP Bonus : 250 MP Bonus : 250 Strength Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 25 Resistance to Glacier : 25 Resistance to Lightning : 25 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 250 CONT : 13 Talisman Of Strength (+26): Gold +26% EXP +26% Defense Ability : 52 Increase Attack Power by 13% HP Bonus : 260 MP Bonus : 260 Strength Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 26 Resistance to Glacier : 26 Resistance to Lightning : 26 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 260 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Strength (+27): Gold +27% EXP +27% Defense Ability : 54 Increase Attack Power by 13% HP Bonus : 270 MP Bonus : 270 Strength Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 27 Resistance to Glacier : 27 Resistance to Lightning : 27 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 270 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Strength (+28): Gold +28% EXP +28% Defense Ability : 56 Increase Attack Power by 14% HP Bonus : 280 MP Bonus : 280 Strength Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 28 Resistance to Glacier : 28 Resistance to Lightning : 28 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 280 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Strength (+29): Gold +29% EXP +29% Defense Ability : 58 Increase Attack Power by 14% HP Bonus : 290 MP Bonus : 290 Strength Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 10 Resistance to Flame : 29 Resistance to Glacier : 29 Resistance to Lightning : 29 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 290 CONT : 15 Talisman Of Strength (+30): Gold +30% EXP +30% Defense Ability : 60 Increase Attack Power by 15% HP Bonus : 300 MP Bonus : 300 Strength Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 12 Resistance to Flame : 30 Resistance to Glacier : 30 Resistance to Lightning : 30 Damage to Monster +10% increase Weight : 300 CONT : 15
  22. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Talisman Of Dexterity hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Odin sunucumuzda Rogue karakter oluşturduğunuzda başlangıç eşyaları arasında 1 adet Talisman Of Dexterity - Tier 1 (+1) bulunur. Talisman Of Dexterity +1'den +30'a kadar Shozin'de upgrade edilebilir. Item upgrade edildiği zaman yanmaz, ya bir üst seviyeye geçer ya da aynı seviyede kalır. 4 Farklı Tier vardır, her tier için crafting materyalleri farklıdır. Her yeni seviyede itemin verdiği özellik artar. Tier 1 Görüntüsü Tier 2 Görüntüsü Tier 3 Görüntüsü Tier 4 Görüntüsü Talisman Of Dexterity Crafting Tier 1 Crafting (1-16) Tier 2 Crafting (17-21) Tier 3 Crafting (22-26) Tier 4 Crafting (27-30) Talisman Of Dexterity Özellikleri Talisman Of Dexterity (+1): Gold +1% EXP +1% Defense Ability : 2 HP Bonus : 10 MP Bonus : 10 Dexterity Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 1 Resistance to Glacier : 1 Resistance to Lightning : 1 Weight : 10 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Dexterity (+2): Gold +2% EXP +2% Defense Ability : 4 Increase Attack Power by 1% HP Bonus : 20 MP Bonus : 20 Dexterity Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 2 Resistance to Glacier : 2 Resistance to Lightning : 2 Weight : 20 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Dexterity (+3): Gold +3% EXP +3% Defense Ability : 6 Increase Attack Power by 1% HP Bonus : 30 MP Bonus : 30 Dexterity Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 3 Resistance to Glacier : 3 Resistance to Lightning : 3 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 30 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Dexterity (+4): Gold +4% EXP +4% Defense Ability : 8 Increase Attack Power by 2% HP Bonus : 40 MP Bonus : 40 Dexterity Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 4 Resistance to Glacier : 4 Resistance to Lightning : 4 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 40 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Dexterity (+5): Gold +5% EXP +5% Defense Ability : 10 Increase Attack Power by 2% HP Bonus : 50 MP Bonus : 50 Dexterity Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 5 Resistance to Glacier : 5 Resistance to Lightning : 5 Damage to Monster +1% increase Weight : 50 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Dexterity (+6): Gold +6% EXP +6% Defense Ability : 12 Increase Attack Power by 3% HP Bonus : 60 MP Bonus : 60 Dexterity Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 6 Resistance to Glacier : 6 Resistance to Lightning : 6 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 60 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Dexterity (+7): Gold +7% EXP +7% Defense Ability : 14 Increase Attack Power by 3% HP Bonus : 70 MP Bonus : 70 Dexterity Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 7 Resistance to Glacier : 7 Resistance to Lightning : 7 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 70 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Dexterity (+8): Gold +8% EXP +8% Defense Ability : 16 Increase Attack Power by 4% HP Bonus : 80 MP Bonus : 80 Dexterity Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 8 Resistance to Glacier : 8 Resistance to Lightning : 8 Damage to Monster +2% increase Weight : 80 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Dexterity (+9): Gold +9% EXP +9% Defense Ability : 18 Increase Attack Power by 4% HP Bonus : 90 MP Bonus : 90 Dexterity Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 9 Resistance to Glacier : 9 Resistance to Lightning : 9 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 90 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Dexterity (+10): Gold +10% EXP +10% Defense Ability : 20 Increase Attack Power by 5% HP Bonus : 100 MP Bonus : 100 Dexterity Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 10 Resistance to Glacier : 10 Resistance to Lightning : 10 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 100 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Dexterity (+11): Gold +11% EXP +11% Defense Ability : 22 Increase Attack Power by 5% HP Bonus : 110 MP Bonus : 110 Dexterity Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 11 Resistance to Glacier : 11 Resistance to Lightning : 11 Damage to Monster +3% increase Weight : 110 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Dexterity (+12): Gold +12% EXP +12% Defense Ability : 24 Increase Attack Power by 6% HP Bonus : 120 MP Bonus : 120 Dexterity Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 12 Resistance to Glacier : 12 Resistance to Lightning : 12 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 120 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Dexterity (+13): Gold +13% EXP +13% Defense Ability : 26 Increase Attack Power by 6% HP Bonus : 130 MP Bonus : 130 Dexterity Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 13 Resistance to Glacier : 13 Resistance to Lightning : 13 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 130 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Dexterity (+14): Gold +14% EXP +14% Defense Ability : 28 Increase Attack Power by 7% HP Bonus : 140 MP Bonus : 140 Dexterity Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 14 Resistance to Glacier : 14 Resistance to Lightning : 14 Damage to Monster +4% increase Weight : 140 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Dexterity (+15): Gold +15% EXP +15% Defense Ability : 30 Increase Attack Power by 7% HP Bonus : 150 MP Bonus : 150 Dexterity Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 15 Resistance to Glacier : 15 Resistance to Lightning : 15 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 150 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Dexterity (+16): Gold +16% EXP +16% Defense Ability : 32 Increase Attack Power by 8% HP Bonus : 160 MP Bonus : 160 Dexterity Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 16 Resistance to Glacier : 16 Resistance to Lightning : 16 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 160 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Dexterity (+17): Gold +17% EXP +17% Defense Ability : 34 Increase Attack Power by 8% HP Bonus : 170 MP Bonus : 170 Dexterity Bonus : 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 17 Resistance to Glacier : 17 Resistance to Lightning : 17 Damage to Monster +5% increase Weight : 170 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Dexterity (+18): Gold +18% EXP +18% Defense Ability : 36 Increase Attack Power by 9% HP Bonus : 180 MP Bonus : 180 Dexterity Bonus: 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 18 Resistance to Glacier : 18 Resistance to Lightning : 18 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 180 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Dexterity (+19): Gold +19% EXP +19% Defense Ability : 38 Increase Attack Power by 9% HP Bonus : 190 MP Bonus : 190 Dexterity Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 19 Resistance to Glacier : 19 Resistance to Lightning : 19 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 190 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Dexterity (+20): Gold +20% EXP +20% Defense Ability : 40 Increase Attack Power by 10% HP Bonus : 200 MP Bonus : 200 Dexterity Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 20 Resistance to Glacier : 20 Resistance to Lightning : 20 Damage to Monster +6% increase Weight : 200 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Dexterity (+21): Gold +21% EXP +21% Defense Ability : 42 Increase Attack Power by 10% HP Bonus : 210 MP Bonus : 210 Dexterity Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 21 Resistance to Glacier : 21 Resistance to Lightning : 21 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 210 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Dexterity (+22): Gold +22% EXP +22% Defense Ability : 44 Increase Attack Power by 11% HP Bonus : 220 MP Bonus : 220 Dexterity Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 22 Resistance to Glacier : 22 Resistance to Lightning : 22 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 220 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Dexterity (+23): Gold +23% EXP +23% Defense Ability : 46 Increase Attack Power by 11% HP Bonus : 230 MP Bonus : 230 Dexterity Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 23 Resistance to Glacier : 23 Resistance to Lightning : 23 Damage to Monster +7% increase Weight : 230 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Dexterity (+24): Gold +24% EXP +24% Defense Ability : 48 Increase Attack Power by 12% HP Bonus : 240 MP Bonus : 240 Dexterity Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 24 Resistance to Glacier : 24 Resistance to Lightning : 24 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 240 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Dexterity (+25): Gold +25% EXP +25% Defense Ability : 50 Increase Attack Power by 12% HP Bonus : 250 MP Bonus : 250 Dexterity Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 25 Resistance to Glacier : 25 Resistance to Lightning : 25 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 250 CONT : 13 Talisman Of Dexterity (+26): Gold +26% EXP +26% Defense Ability : 52 Increase Attack Power by 13% HP Bonus : 260 MP Bonus : 260 Dexterity Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 26 Resistance to Glacier : 26 Resistance to Lightning : 26 Damage to Monster +8% increase Weight : 260 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Dexterity (+27): Gold +27% EXP +27% Defense Ability : 54 Increase Attack Power by 13% HP Bonus : 270 MP Bonus : 270 Dexterity Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 27 Resistance to Glacier : 27 Resistance to Lightning : 27 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 270 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Dexterity (+28): Gold +28% EXP +28% Defense Ability : 56 Increase Attack Power by 14% HP Bonus : 280 MP Bonus : 280 Dexterity Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 28 Resistance to Glacier : 28 Resistance to Lightning : 28 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 280 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Dexterity (+29): Gold +29% EXP +29% Defense Ability : 58 Increase Attack Power by 14% HP Bonus : 290 MP Bonus : 290 Dexterity Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 10 Resistance to Flame : 29 Resistance to Glacier : 29 Resistance to Lightning : 29 Damage to Monster +9% increase Weight : 290 CONT : 15 Talisman Of Dexterity (+30): Gold +30% EXP +30% Defense Ability : 60 Increase Attack Power by 15% HP Bonus : 300 MP Bonus : 300 Dexterity Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 12 Resistance to Flame : 30 Resistance to Glacier : 30 Resistance to Lightning : 30 Damage to Monster +10% increase Weight : 300 CONT : 15
  23. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Talisman Of Magic hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Odin sunucumuzda Mage karakter oluşturduğunuzda başlangıç eşyaları arasında 1 adet Talisman Of Magic - Tier 1 (+1) bulunur. Talisman Of Magic +1'den +30'a kadar Shozin'de upgrade edilebilir. Item upgrade edildiği zaman yanmaz, ya bir üst seviyeye geçer ya da aynı seviyede kalır. 4 Farklı Tier vardır, her tier için crafting materyalleri farklıdır. Her yeni seviyede itemin verdiği özellik artar. Tier 1 Görüntüsü Tier 2 Görüntüsü Tier 3 Görüntüsü Tier 4 Görüntüsü Talisman Of Magic Crafting Tier 1 Crafting (1-16) Tier 2 Crafting (17-21) Tier 3 Crafting (22-26) Tier 4 Crafting (27-30) Talisman Of Magic Özellikleri Talisman Of Magic (+1): Gold +1% EXP +1% Defense Ability : 4 HP Bonus : 15 MP Bonus : 15 Magic Power Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 1 Resistance to Glacier : 1 Resistance to Lightning : 1 Weight : 10 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Magic (+2): Gold +2% EXP +2% Defense Ability : 8 HP Bonus : 30 MP Bonus : 30 Magic Power Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 2 Resistance to Glacier : 2 Resistance to Lightning : 2 Damage received from enemy -1% Decreased Weight : 20 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Magic (+3): Gold +3% EXP +3% Defense Ability : 12 HP Bonus : 45 MP Bonus : 45 Magic Power Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 3 Resistance to Glacier : 3 Resistance to Lightning : 3 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -1% Decreased Weight : 30 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Magic (+4): Gold +4% EXP +4% Defense Ability : 16 HP Bonus : 60 MP Bonus : 60 Magic Power Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 4 Resistance to Glacier : 4 Resistance to Lightning : 4 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -2% Decreased Weight : 40 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Magic (+5): Gold +5% EXP +5% Defense Ability : 20 HP Bonus : 75 MP Bonus : 75 Magic Power Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 5 Resistance to Glacier : 5 Resistance to Lightning : 5 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -2% Decreased Weight : 50 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Magic (+6): Gold +6% EXP +6% Defense Ability : 24 HP Bonus : 90 MP Bonus : 90 Magic Power Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 6 Resistance to Glacier : 6 Resistance to Lightning : 6 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -3% Decreased Weight : 60 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Magic (+7): Gold +7% EXP +7% Defense Ability : 28 HP Bonus : 105 MP Bonus : 105 Magic Power Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 7 Resistance to Glacier : 7 Resistance to Lightning : 7 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -3% Decreased Weight : 70 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Magic (+8): Gold +8% EXP +8% Defense Ability : 32 HP Bonus : 120 MP Bonus : 120 Magic Power Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 8 Resistance to Glacier : 8 Resistance to Lightning : 8 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -4% Decreased Weight : 80 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Magic (+9): Gold +9% EXP +9% Defense Ability : 36 HP Bonus : 135 MP Bonus : 135 Magic Power Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 9 Resistance to Glacier : 9 Resistance to Lightning : 9 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -4% Decreased Weight : 90 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Magic (+10): Gold +10% EXP +10% Defense Ability : 40 HP Bonus : 150 MP Bonus : 150 Magic Power Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 10 Resistance to Glacier : 10 Resistance to Lightning : 10 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -5% Decreased Weight : 100 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Magic (+11): Gold +11% EXP +11% Defense Ability : 44 HP Bonus : 165 MP Bonus : 165 Magic Power Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 11 Resistance to Glacier : 11 Resistance to Lightning : 11 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -5% Decreased Weight : 110 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Magic (+12): Gold +12% EXP +12% Defense Ability : 48 HP Bonus : 180 MP Bonus : 180 Magic Power Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 12 Resistance to Glacier : 12 Resistance to Lightning : 12 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -6% Decreased Weight : 120 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Magic (+13): Gold +13% EXP +13% Defense Ability : 52 HP Bonus : 195 MP Bonus : 195 Magic Power Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 13 Resistance to Glacier : 13 Resistance to Lightning : 13 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -6% Decreased Weight : 130 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Magic (+14): Gold +14% EXP +14% Defense Ability : 56 HP Bonus : 210 MP Bonus : 210 Magic Power Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 14 Resistance to Glacier : 14 Resistance to Lightning : 14 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -7% Decreased Weight : 140 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Magic (+15): Gold +15% EXP +15% Defense Ability : 60 HP Bonus : 225 MP Bonus : 225 Magic Power Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 15 Resistance to Glacier : 15 Resistance to Lightning : 15 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -7% Decreased Weight : 150 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Magic (+16): Gold +16% EXP +16% Defense Ability : 64 HP Bonus : 240 MP Bonus : 240 Magic Power Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 16 Resistance to Glacier : 16 Resistance to Lightning : 16 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -8% Decreased Weight : 160 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Magic (+17): Gold +17% EXP +17% Defense Ability : 68 HP Bonus : 255 MP Bonus : 255 Magic Power Bonus : 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 17 Resistance to Glacier : 17 Resistance to Lightning : 17 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -8% Decreased Weight : 170 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Magic (+18): Gold +18% EXP +18% Defense Ability : 72 HP Bonus : 270 MP Bonus : 270 Magic Power Bonus: 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 18 Resistance to Glacier : 18 Resistance to Lightning : 18 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -9% Decreased Weight : 180 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Magic (+19): Gold +19% EXP +19% Defense Ability : 76 HP Bonus : 285 MP Bonus : 285 Magic Power Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 19 Resistance to Glacier : 19 Resistance to Lightning : 19 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -9% Decreased Weight : 190 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Magic (+20): Gold +20% EXP +20% Defense Ability : 80 HP Bonus : 300 MP Bonus : 300 Magic Power Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 20 Resistance to Glacier : 20 Resistance to Lightning : 20 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 200 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Magic (+21): Gold +21% EXP +21% Defense Ability : 84 HP Bonus : 315 MP Bonus : 315 Magic Power Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 21 Resistance to Glacier : 21 Resistance to Lightning : 21 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 210 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Magic (+22): Gold +22% EXP +22% Defense Ability : 88 HP Bonus : 330 MP Bonus : 330 Magic Power Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 22 Resistance to Glacier : 22 Resistance to Lightning : 22 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 220 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Magic (+23): Gold +23% EXP +23% Defense Ability : 92 HP Bonus : 345 MP Bonus : 345 Magic Power Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 23 Resistance to Glacier : 23 Resistance to Lightning : 23 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -11% Decreased Weight : 230 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Magic (+24): Gold +24% EXP +24% Defense Ability : 96 HP Bonus : 360 MP Bonus : 360 Magic Power Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 24 Resistance to Glacier : 24 Resistance to Lightning : 24 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -12% Decreased Weight : 240 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Magic (+25): Gold +25% EXP +25% Defense Ability : 100 HP Bonus : 375 MP Bonus : 375 Magic Power Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 25 Resistance to Glacier : 25 Resistance to Lightning : 25 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -12% Decreased Weight : 250 CONT : 13 Talisman Of Magic (+26): Gold +26% EXP +26% Defense Ability : 104 HP Bonus : 390 MP Bonus : 390 Magic Power Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 26 Resistance to Glacier : 26 Resistance to Lightning : 26 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -13% Decreased Weight : 260 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Magic (+27): Gold +27% EXP +27% Defense Ability : 108 HP Bonus : 405 MP Bonus : 405 Magic Power Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 27 Resistance to Glacier : 27 Resistance to Lightning : 27 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -13% Decreased Weight : 270 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Magic (+28): Gold +28% EXP +28% Defense Ability : 112 HP Bonus : 420 MP Bonus : 420 Magic Power Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 28 Resistance to Glacier : 28 Resistance to Lightning : 28 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -14% Decreased Weight : 280 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Magic (+29): Gold +29% EXP +29% Defense Ability : 116 HP Bonus : 435 MP Bonus : 435 Magic Power Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 10 Resistance to Flame : 29 Resistance to Glacier : 29 Resistance to Lightning : 29 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -14% Decreased Weight : 290 CONT : 15 Talisman Of Magic (+30): Gold +30% EXP +30% Defense Ability : 120 HP Bonus : 450 MP Bonus : 450 Magic Power Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 12 Resistance to Flame : 30 Resistance to Glacier : 30 Resistance to Lightning : 30 Damage to Monster +10% increase Damage received from enemy -15% Decreased Weight : 300 CONT : 15
  24. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Bu konuda sizlere Talisman Of Intelligence hakkında bilgi vereceğim. Odin sunucumuzda Priest karakter oluşturduğunuzda başlangıç eşyaları arasında 1 adet Talisman Of Intelligence - Tier 1 (+1) bulunur. Talisman Of Intelligence +1'den +30'a kadar Shozin'de upgrade edilebilir. Item upgrade edildiği zaman yanmaz, ya bir üst seviyeye geçer ya da aynı seviyede kalır. 4 Farklı Tier vardır, her tier için crafting materyalleri farklıdır. Her yeni seviyede itemin verdiği özellik artar. Tier 1 Görüntüsü Tier 2 Görüntüsü Tier 3 Görüntüsü Tier 4 Görüntüsü Talisman Of Intelligence Crafting Tier 1 Crafting (1-16) Tier 2 Crafting (17-21) Tier 3 Crafting (22-26) Tier 4 Crafting (27-30) Talisman Of Intelligence Özellikleri Talisman Of Intelligence (+1): Gold +1% EXP +1% Defense Ability : 4 HP Bonus : 15 MP Bonus : 15 Intelligence Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 1 Resistance to Glacier : 1 Resistance to Lightning : 1 Weight : 10 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Intelligence (+2): Gold +2% EXP +2% Defense Ability : 8 HP Bonus : 30 MP Bonus : 30 Intelligence Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 2 Resistance to Glacier : 2 Resistance to Lightning : 2 Damage received from enemy -1% Decreased Weight : 20 CONT : 1 Talisman Of Intelligence (+3): Gold +3% EXP +3% Defense Ability : 12 HP Bonus : 45 MP Bonus : 45 Intelligence Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 3 Resistance to Glacier : 3 Resistance to Lightning : 3 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -1% Decreased Weight : 30 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Intelligence (+4): Gold +4% EXP +4% Defense Ability : 16 HP Bonus : 60 MP Bonus : 60 Intelligence Bonus : 2 Health Bonus : 1 Resistance to Flame : 4 Resistance to Glacier : 4 Resistance to Lightning : 4 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -2% Decreased Weight : 40 CONT : 2 Talisman Of Intelligence (+5): Gold +5% EXP +5% Defense Ability : 20 HP Bonus : 75 MP Bonus : 75 Intelligence Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 5 Resistance to Glacier : 5 Resistance to Lightning : 5 Damage to Monster +1% increase Damage received from enemy -2% Decreased Weight : 50 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Intelligence (+6): Gold +6% EXP +6% Defense Ability : 24 HP Bonus : 90 MP Bonus : 90 Intelligence Bonus : 3 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 6 Resistance to Glacier : 6 Resistance to Lightning : 6 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -3% Decreased Weight : 60 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Intelligence (+7): Gold +7% EXP +7% Defense Ability : 28 HP Bonus : 105 MP Bonus : 105 Intelligence Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 2 Resistance to Flame : 7 Resistance to Glacier : 7 Resistance to Lightning : 7 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -3% Decreased Weight : 70 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Intelligence (+8): Gold +8% EXP +8% Defense Ability : 32 HP Bonus : 120 MP Bonus : 120 Intelligence Bonus : 4 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 8 Resistance to Glacier : 8 Resistance to Lightning : 8 Damage to Monster +2% increase Damage received from enemy -4% Decreased Weight : 80 CONT : 4 Talisman Of Intelligence (+9): Gold +9% EXP +9% Defense Ability : 36 HP Bonus : 135 MP Bonus : 135 Intelligence Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 9 Resistance to Glacier : 9 Resistance to Lightning : 9 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -4% Decreased Weight : 90 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Intelligence (+10): Gold +10% EXP +10% Defense Ability : 40 HP Bonus : 150 MP Bonus : 150 Intelligence Bonus : 5 Health Bonus : 3 Resistance to Flame : 10 Resistance to Glacier : 10 Resistance to Lightning : 10 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -5% Decreased Weight : 100 CONT : 5 Talisman Of Intelligence (+11): Gold +11% EXP +11% Defense Ability : 44 HP Bonus : 165 MP Bonus : 165 Intelligence Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 11 Resistance to Glacier : 11 Resistance to Lightning : 11 Damage to Monster +3% increase Damage received from enemy -5% Decreased Weight : 110 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Intelligence (+12): Gold +12% EXP +12% Defense Ability : 48 HP Bonus : 180 MP Bonus : 180 Intelligence Bonus : 6 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 12 Resistance to Glacier : 12 Resistance to Lightning : 12 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -6% Decreased Weight : 120 CONT : 6 Talisman Of Intelligence (+13): Gold +13% EXP +13% Defense Ability : 52 HP Bonus : 195 MP Bonus : 195 Intelligence Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 4 Resistance to Flame : 13 Resistance to Glacier : 13 Resistance to Lightning : 13 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -6% Decreased Weight : 130 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Intelligence (+14): Gold +14% EXP +14% Defense Ability : 56 HP Bonus : 210 MP Bonus : 210 Intelligence Bonus : 7 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 14 Resistance to Glacier : 14 Resistance to Lightning : 14 Damage to Monster +4% increase Damage received from enemy -7% Decreased Weight : 140 CONT : 7 Talisman Of Intelligence (+15): Gold +15% EXP +15% Defense Ability : 60 HP Bonus : 225 MP Bonus : 225 Intelligence Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 15 Resistance to Glacier : 15 Resistance to Lightning : 15 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -7% Decreased Weight : 150 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Intelligence (+16): Gold +16% EXP +16% Defense Ability : 64 HP Bonus : 240 MP Bonus : 240 Intelligence Bonus : 8 Health Bonus : 5 Resistance to Flame : 16 Resistance to Glacier : 16 Resistance to Lightning : 16 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -8% Decreased Weight : 160 CONT : 8 Talisman Of Intelligence (+17): Gold +17% EXP +17% Defense Ability : 68 HP Bonus : 255 MP Bonus : 255 Intelligence Bonus : 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 17 Resistance to Glacier : 17 Resistance to Lightning : 17 Damage to Monster +5% increase Damage received from enemy -8% Decreased Weight : 170 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Intelligence (+18): Gold +18% EXP +18% Defense Ability : 72 HP Bonus : 270 MP Bonus : 270 Intelligence Bonus: 9 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 18 Resistance to Glacier : 18 Resistance to Lightning : 18 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -9% Decreased Weight : 180 CONT : 9 Talisman Of Intelligence (+19): Gold +19% EXP +19% Defense Ability : 76 HP Bonus : 285 MP Bonus : 285 Intelligence Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 6 Resistance to Flame : 19 Resistance to Glacier : 19 Resistance to Lightning : 19 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -9% Decreased Weight : 190 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Intelligence (+20): Gold +20% EXP +20% Defense Ability : 80 HP Bonus : 300 MP Bonus : 300 Intelligence Bonus : 10 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 20 Resistance to Glacier : 20 Resistance to Lightning : 20 Damage to Monster +6% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 200 CONT : 10 Talisman Of Intelligence (+21): Gold +21% EXP +21% Defense Ability : 84 HP Bonus : 315 MP Bonus : 315 Intelligence Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 21 Resistance to Glacier : 21 Resistance to Lightning : 21 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 210 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Intelligence (+22): Gold +22% EXP +22% Defense Ability : 88 HP Bonus : 330 MP Bonus : 330 Intelligence Bonus : 11 Health Bonus : 7 Resistance to Flame : 22 Resistance to Glacier : 22 Resistance to Lightning : 22 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -10% Decreased Weight : 220 CONT : 11 Talisman Of Intelligence (+23): Gold +23% EXP +23% Defense Ability : 92 HP Bonus : 345 MP Bonus : 345 Intelligence Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 23 Resistance to Glacier : 23 Resistance to Lightning : 23 Damage to Monster +7% increase Damage received from enemy -11% Decreased Weight : 230 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Intelligence (+24): Gold +24% EXP +24% Defense Ability : 96 HP Bonus : 360 MP Bonus : 360 Intelligence Bonus : 12 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 24 Resistance to Glacier : 24 Resistance to Lightning : 24 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -12% Decreased Weight : 240 CONT : 12 Talisman Of Intelligence (+25): Gold +25% EXP +25% Defense Ability : 100 HP Bonus : 375 MP Bonus : 375 Intelligence Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 8 Resistance to Flame : 25 Resistance to Glacier : 25 Resistance to Lightning : 25 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -12% Decreased Weight : 250 CONT : 13 Talisman Of Intelligence (+26): Gold +26% EXP +26% Defense Ability : 104 HP Bonus : 390 MP Bonus : 390 Intelligence Bonus : 13 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 26 Resistance to Glacier : 26 Resistance to Lightning : 26 Damage to Monster +8% increase Damage received from enemy -13% Decreased Weight : 260 CONT : 3 Talisman Of Intelligence (+27): Gold +27% EXP +27% Defense Ability : 108 HP Bonus : 405 MP Bonus : 405 Intelligence Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 27 Resistance to Glacier : 27 Resistance to Lightning : 27 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -13% Decreased Weight : 270 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Intelligence (+28): Gold +28% EXP +28% Defense Ability : 112 HP Bonus : 420 MP Bonus : 420 Intelligence Bonus : 14 Health Bonus : 9 Resistance to Flame : 28 Resistance to Glacier : 28 Resistance to Lightning : 28 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -14% Decreased Weight : 280 CONT : 14 Talisman Of Intelligence (+29): Gold +29% EXP +29% Defense Ability : 116 HP Bonus : 435 MP Bonus : 435 Intelligence Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 10 Resistance to Flame : 29 Resistance to Glacier : 29 Resistance to Lightning : 29 Damage to Monster +9% increase Damage received from enemy -14% Decreased Weight : 290 CONT : 15 Talisman Of Intelligence (+30): Gold +30% EXP +30% Defense Ability : 120 HP Bonus : 450 MP Bonus : 450 Intelligence Bonus : 15 Health Bonus : 12 Resistance to Flame : 30 Resistance to Glacier : 30 Resistance to Lightning : 30 Damage to Monster +10% increase Damage received from enemy -15% Decreased Weight : 300 CONT : 15
  25. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Shozin'de yapabilecekleriniz aşağıdaki menülerde gösterilmiştir.
  26. Değerli ProACS MYKO.net oyuncuları, Daha önce tanıttığımız gibi, 22 Mart 2024 Cuma günü 2. BOOSTSEZON güncellemesini gerçekleştireceğiz. Bu güncellemelerle ilgili detaylara "Odin Efsanesi : 23 Şubat Tanıtım Konusu" başlığı altından ulaşabilirsiniz. 2. BOOSTSEZON Çekiliş Ödülümüz : https://www.hepsiburada.com/sony-playstation-5-turkce-menu-2-dualsense-pm-HBC00000PQWCZ 2. BOOSTSEZON Çekiliş Başlangıç Tarihi : 4 Nisan 2024 Pazar 22:00 2. BOOSTSEZON Çekiliş Sonuçlanma Tarihi : 4 Nisan 2024 Pazar 23.59 2. BOOSTSEZON Çekiliş Yöntemi : Gamble Event Sony Playstation 5 + Dualsense çekilişimizi yukarıda belirtilen tarihlerde oyun içindeki "Gamble" etkinliğiyle gerçekleştireceğiz. Çekilişe sadece "Playstation Gamble Ticket" ile katılabilirsiniz. Bu Ticket, PUS'tan satın aldığınız "Starter Packet" içinden elde edilebilir. Konuyla ilgili merak ettiklerinizi discord adresimizden sorabilirsiniz : https://discord.com/invite/proacs
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